His Herd

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I have been in a season of growth! The type that leaves a few stretch marks in its wake, both physically and metaphorically.

I have learnt through recent illness that I need to rest more, and through the Lord’s prompting, to write.

It has been difficult for me to sit, focus, rest, and write for the Lord. I often feel I am the most organised disorganised person I know!

Resting in the Lord’s word and using His word to inspire creative writing is quite the task, and yet, I love it!

Growth has been and continues to be uncomfortable and even painful at times. Metaphorically, a few stretch marks have been necessary and inevitable for me to reach my fullest potential in the Lord.

Physically, I probably need to do a few extra laps around the dining room table as I am able.

I am moving. I am growing. I pray I am becoming more like the Lord each and every day.

Are you growing?